Friday, 16 September 2016

God be with you til we meet again



It has been a miraculous ride and I cannot even express how heart broken I am to be leaving the mission. I will miss everything!

I am so grateful for the eternal friendships that I have made, the countries of Belize and El Salvador that I now call home, the lessons I have learned and the trials that have helped to shape me into the woman I am now. I am grateful for every little thing!!!


I am so grateful for the opportunities that I have had to serve in my beloved areas: 


Ayutuxtepeque (El Salvador), Corozal (Belize), Santa Elena (Belize) and San Pedro (Belize)


I never ever thought that I would love people as much as my own Family but the people that I have met here in these areas are all equally embedded in my heart and can never be replaced. I am thankful for the investigators that I was able to introduce to the church, the converts that I have helped come unto Christ by entering the waters of baptism and the members that I have made unbreakable bonds with. They are such blessings to me. Each and every single one of them! I love them all that words cannot suffice!


I am so blessed to have such loving and understanding mission parents: 


President and Sister Hintze 

President and Sister Adams.


These past 18 months would not have been endurable without their love, their example and their encouragement. They have so much love for us missionaries and in the 18 months that I served, I always felt that love. Always. I'm also grateful for the awesome (and patient haha) leaders that I have had, DL's, ZL's, AP's and STL's... #TooManyToName #YouKnowWhoYouAre. Thanks for the memories, you guys were and still are GREAT examples! Thank you for serving! 


Thank you to my perfect companions. I can't even begin to express the gratitude I have for them for putting up with me...


Hermana Kava 
Hermana Wagner 
Hermana Martinez
Sister Hirsch 
Sister Barrientos 
Sister Alcantara 
Sister Scott
(who was also my MTC companion #StartedFromTheBottomNowWeHere)


My companions were the best comforters, counselors, shoulders to cry on, listening ears and sisters anyone could have ever asked for... #MyCompsAreBetterThanYours #EternalSisterhood. They were my best friends for the 6/12/18 weeks that I was with them (& still are) and I thank them for their patience, laughter and love. You will always be apart of me #mymissionjourney #MyBest18months.


I can't forget my MTC family. We are the tightest group that any mission ever saw #Preach! #est.18March2015


Sisters: Aillery, Alsdorf, Larsen, Lino & Scott

Elders: Blair, Fiu, Gifford, Maliga, Osiek & Riding


I'll miss my siblings since I'm on the otro lado del mundo, but I'll see them soon #InTheNextLife lol. I've never loved a group of people so fast before in my life. They are my brothers and sisters. No doubt since the second we all met. #PreachMyGospelMissionaries #GodsArmy. Thanks for picking on me but also for loving me... #Jokes4Days #ToughLove #SiblingLove.


Thanks to the people who kept me alive #TeamNurse: Sister Arias, Sister Larsen & Elder Osiek #ImAlwaysSick #ButTheyKeptMeBreathing. I know how hard you guys work to keep us missionaries functioning AND do mission work. I laav unu!


A massive thank you to the senior couples: The Adams, The Aldens and The Studebakers. They have always helped keep me sane when I needed to vent and always gave the best advice. They not only kept me sane, but focused. They were my parents here in Belize and helped prepare me for the future #PointersForMarriage hahaha. I was blessed with the best!!! They are the perfect examples of what a marriage should look like #EternalMarriage #CoupleGoals #MarriageGoals #BestfriendGoals.


Last, but far from least, my cheerleaders, my family and friends who, through their encouraging words, kept me pushing on and going forward with Faith. You don't even understand how much your emails and letters brightened my mission and lifted my spirits. They really helped me get through those rough times. I cannot wait to hug you all (yes all, #IGetToHug #AndItsAllowed hahaha). Your support has been incredible!


Well... I remember my first day on the field. I met a sister missionary who was finishing her mission. I asked her if it went fast and she responded quickly, "don't blink or you'll miss it"... Boy, in those first few months did I blink and blink and blink and nothing was happening hahaha jokes. But for reals... she wasn't wrong! Where did the time go? 18 months is done gone and I'm heading back to my motherland Australia and my beautiful FOREVERFAMILY who I have missed heaps! #TimeFlies #ByeMission #HelloRealLife... :(


The preparation for my mission was so hard that I almost gave up. I thought: "I should probably just get married cos it'd be easier than this..." Hahaha (it probably would've been haha jokes). But I understand now, why it was so hard. Satan did not want me to accomplish the things that I have accomplished in these past 18 months. This has been the greatest sacrifice that I have ever made in my life and I do not regret it one single bit. Satan doesn't want us to be happy. He tries to stop us from doing the things that help us to gain eternal happiness. My mission has helped me not only gain true happiness but my eternal perspective is sure and my testimony is strong (2 Nephi 31:20).


The Gospel of Jesus Christ is perfect, there is no other word to describe it. The Gospel is PERFECT! The love that our Heavenly Father has for us is unfathomable and He has a perfect plan for us that we can come to know through this perfect Gospel. It is the only church that promises eternal families because it is the only church that has within it the Priesthood power of God. I know that Joseph Smith restored the church and I can testify with no doubt because I have prayed to know and I have received an answer. I have read the Book of Mormon and the spirit of God has testified to me through feelings in my heart that it is a TRUE testament of Jesus Christ. I know it, I know it, I know it!


The adversary will always come and try in many different ways to twist the truth until he has succeeded BUT remember to "doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith!". I said before and I'll say it again that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is PERFECT! If you don't know, I invite you to pray about it. Your Heavenly Father will never lie to you, never! Pray with a real intent to know. He will answer you. I know because He has answered me and continues to answer me daily.


I am sad to be leaving the mission but also very excited for what this next chapter brings and what God has in store for me. I know that as long as I keep the faith that it will all work out. It always has and it always will. Be believing and keep on keeping on.


I love you all & I know that we will meet again, in this life or the next. 


¡yo se quien soy y quien puedo ser si elijo!


Signing out for the last time with a badge on my heart,


Hermana Loli / Sister Loli



18 March 2015 - 14 September 2016


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