Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Days turn to weeks and the weeks feel like days

Sorry not alotta time today but know that I love you...
Yesterday we had a baptism and it was scary cos we dont have a font so we use the diving pools across the road. The kid jumps in first and starts drowning and then Elder Cujil jumps in and cant swim so then he starts drowning too and so another elder and a sister from the branch jump in to save them. It was so scary but everything worked out fine. So it was okay...

The island is hektik!!! Im so blessed to be here.
Sister Scott was my MTC companion and we're so excited to be here!! We are going to finish with a baaang!! I love you Mumma!!!

Sister Loli xx
Don't miss me too much, I have an IMPORTANT work to do!!!

The Island - 21.06.2016

Aloha...Jokes. What up!? Weh di guan?! G'day mate! 


So emergency transfers isn't that bad. The island is BEAUTIFUL!

The people are just as great and the senior couple here The Alden's make the island wonderful. So we have been here all of 5 days and it's amazing!

The elders have been helping us out heaps cos we know nothing about this place. But cos it's an island (like Samoa) it's not that hard.

It's great being with Scott again cos we started together and we'll finish together #startedFromtheBottomNowWeHere.... Lol! We are happy we're together cos we just wanna work hard!!! But sad at the same time cos we know it will go fast :( 12 weeks too fast...

But I know I'll be ready when it comes. Fun fact: sister Alden's first love was Sam Atoa from Samoa. They were too be married but then President David O. Mckay said no... That's another story though. She's awesome though. I love them! She sings all the Samoan oldies. So... its a little overwhelming

BUT I am so ready and its great when your companion is also willing. We're ready to throw FAYAAAAAA!!! (fire) hahaha. But I love you guys. I hope all is well down unda!!! 12 weeks... 86 DAYS TO SAVE SOULS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All my loving,


Sister Loli

Don't miss me too much I have work to do xx


Just got a call, I am going to the ISLA BONITA! #EmergencyTransfers...

So crazy, two more changes and thats it. Ugh! But yeah, I don't get to kill Alcantara :( I am sad!

This week was goodbye to the Hintze's.. so depressing! But I know that our new President will be just as great... I love the Hintze's though. Ugh! So hard!

Elder Osiek summed it up well, "But also this week we had our last multizone with our mission president and his wife, really bittersweet. We learned lots from them, and we will forever be grateful for them and their counsel and guidance". 

But yeah.. so I am out! I am going to the island with my MTC companion Sister Scott. Crazy but yeah... But I am going to miss Santa Elena.

So depressing! Ahh! Yeah crazy crazy crazy! I love you guys... just wanted to fill yous in. I love you all! Pics pics pics!!!


Sister Loli

Don't miss me too much, I've got work to do xx




Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Service Project KW BELIZE !!!


Missionary Life

So The Studebaker's took us to SP's (Sargent Peppers) its like the only "American" fast food restaurant out here. And they took us to take our coke bottles so we could get money #TheStruggleIsReal... LOL

If I got locked away

Interchanges with my Lino xx


When we went to Xunantanich for pday!


Hey guys...

Sorry don't have much time (well I never do) but you know. An hour can only give you so much. But this week... me and Lino got LOCKED UP hahaha. Well the thing is, we were coming back to my area from Lino's and we caught a taxi. But as Lino was getting out, a truck came and hit her door. She is fine, we're both fine... but the car door was pretty messed up! Anyways, had to go to the cop shop and wait until our legal representative came. Gotta go... tell you more next week. I LOVE YOU GUYS HEAPS!!!!

Don't miss me too much, I've got work to do xx

We going down down baby...(04/05/2016)

Lovers and friends...

So this passed Pday we went to XUNANTUNICH... and it wasn't too shabby. Another ruin, they're all one in the same. BUT they're great! And we got to go with the Benque Zone... It was fun cos Maliga is the zone leader there and Lino is also in that zone. Twas great!!

This week we have been teaching Wilmer like crazy... everyday so that he could be ready for baptism this Saturday. HE IS SO READY!!! We are pumped for his baptism. He is a little crazy BUT we love him. He's straight up, but people know him as "loco" around town. But mi cae bien so I'm like, whatevs. He has a problem with the Word of Wisdom right now but I feel like that is the common issue here in Belize. It’s all about that ganja! But we are working hard to get that sorted. Wilmer is a great guy... I'll send photos of him in the next email. But we are working hard!

My District Leader's Birthday

I love Alcantara with all of my heart. She is awesome! I love the work and Santa Elena is baaaws! We celebrated Blair's 20th birthday this week too, was fun. So many babies... I am surrounded by babies out here but it’s so great cos Heavenly Father trusts His work in the hands' of these innocent young men and they hold the PRIESTHOOD. I love it also,...

WE ARE SKYPING THIS WEEK!!! OMG... I AM SO EXCITED... This is the only time we can tell you about the time we are skyping and so I will say, lets skype Sunday morning 10am (Australian time) which will be Saturday night here (Belize) at 6pm... which means you can go to church for an hour... BUT MAKE SURE EVERYONE IS THERE... I don't want a repeat of last time. Okay I'm out. I love you guys heaps... I will catch ya all on SKAAAAAYPE!!! Laterrrrssss.


Don't miss me too much! I've got work to do J